Preparing for server installation on Windows

This topic describes the pre-installation requirements for a StarTeam Server installation on Windows.

Pre-installation requirements for a new installation

Before you install StarTeam Server:

  1. Make sure your computer system meets the minimum requirements. For details, see StarTeam Server System Requirements.
  2. You must be a local administrator on the target computer to install StarTeam Server and other StarTeam products. Also, the local settings for the administrator account performing the install must be stored on the target computer. StarTeam Server and StarTeam clients will not operate correctly if the local settings are stored on a network drive.
  3. You must set video settings on the computer on which you install StarTeam Server to 256 colors or higher.
  4. Unless you plan to use only PostgreSQL, which is the default database for server configurations, you must install the database management system you plan to use with the StarTeam Server. It is normal to install the database server on another computer. Make sure your computer system meets the minimum requirements for the database product. Refer to the documentation supplied with your database management system for more information. See Database server system requirements for more information about supported databases.

    Note: There should be a dedicated connection between the computers running StarTeam Server and the database management system. For optimal performance, both computers should be on the same physical switch.

  5. Install the database client on the same computer as StarTeam Server.
  6. Because StarTeam Server can be used with any UTF-8 character set, the code page settings for the databases can be very important. Information about this can be found in the chapter on creating a server configuration for your database type:

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StarTeam Server System Requirements

We recommend installing the StarTeam Server on a dedicated application server and installing the database on a separate server unless you are using a supported version of Microsoft SQL Server Express as your database.

You must uninstall the previous version before installing the current version of the software. You should also delete the following folders if they exist:

<Server Installation folder>\<Apache Webserver Installation Folder>\webapps\search

<Server Installation folder>\<Apache Webserver Installation Folder>\apache-tomcat-[version]\webapps\ConnectWeb

<Server Installation folder>\<Apache Webserver Installation Folder>\webapps\borland

There should be a dedicated connection between the computers running the StarTeam Server and the database management system. For optimal performance, both machines should be on the same physical switch.

The following shows the minimum and recommended hardware for the computer on which you deploy the Server application and database. Although specific processor speeds are listed, you should always use the fastest available CPU to maximum performance.

Note: The StarTeam Cross-Platform Client only supports StarTeam Server versions 12.0+.

Note: If you are upgrading from a previous version of StarTeam Server, see Upgrade StarTeam. There are some steps that you must complete in order for the upgrade to complete successfully.

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Operating Systems

For a list of supported operating systems, see Operating systems.

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For a list of supported databases, see Databases.

Database User and Password

The PostgreSQL database server installed by default with StarTeam Server has two default users created:

  • Admin user = postgres
  • Superuser = Borland_Login

The password for both is Borland_123.

When you use the default PostgreSQL database, you will be asked for a System Password. It is the same as the Admin user password, Borland_123.

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Third Party Software

Please ensure these other software requirements are met:

Software Description
JRE The StarTeam Server uses the J Zulu OpenJDK 1.8.0_192 which is automatically installed at C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\StarTeam Server <version>\jre.
Virus Scanning Utilities

Every StarTeam Server computer should be equipped with a virus protection utility that has up-to-date virus definition files. All StarTeam Servers should also be equipped with up-to-date virus protection and the settings should be set to alert only the administrator. The StarTeam administrator should halt the StarTeam Server immediately upon virus detection, perform a full backup, and then follow the instructions provided by the virus protection vendor for cleaning the virus from the infected file. If the infected file cannot be cleaned or if problems exist, contact before restarting the StarTeam Server. Some viruses can be immediately destructive to the repository and in rare cases data loss will be inevitable. We strongly recommend that you perform regular backups.

A virus that might be a nuisance to a file system can be far more destructive when checked into the repository. For example, many virus protection utilities are set by default or can be set to delete infected files. If an archive file is deleted by the virus protection utility, data may be lost.

Another example is that a virus may not be detected in the archive and may sit dormant waiting to infect the computers of all project users. Your network will rapidly spread the virus and a data loss could occur.

Note: If any process or program such as anti-virus software alters files under StarTeam control the system could behave erratically. It is highly recommended that these processes not be allowed to modify system or data files under StarTeam control.

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StarTeam Server and Microsoft SQL Server Express on the Same Computer

When Microsoft SQL Server Express is used, the database typically resides on the same computer as the corresponding StarTeam Server application. The following hardware recommendations for a joint StarTeam Server/Microsoft SQL Server Express computer are based on the number of seats (registered users). However, your situation might vary depending on the size of your StarTeam projects and the number of projects managed by the StarTeam Server configuration.

The following lists suggested system configuration requirements if you are using Microsoft SQL Server Express and the StarTeam Server on the same computer:

Less than 50 Seats 64-bit dual core machine with 4 GB of RAM
50-100 Seats 64-bit quad core machine with 4-8 GB of RAM

Note: Microsoft SQL Server Express is not recommended for configurations serving more than 100 registered users.

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StarTeam Server and database on different computers

The following hardware recommendations apply when the StarTeam Server application is executing on a different computer than the database server. They are based on the number of peak users (maximum concurrent users during peak periods). However, your situation might vary depending on the size of your StarTeam projects and the number of projects managed by the server configuration.

Number of Peak Users

Less than 100 64-bit, dual-core systems with 4 GB of memory
100 - 200 64-bit, quad-core systems with 4-8 GB of memory
More than 200 64-bit, quad-core systems with 8-16 GB of memory

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Database server system requirements

The following recommendations apply to the database server when it is not on the same computer as the StarTeam Server. The number of peak users is the maximum number of concurrent users during peak usage periods.

Number of peak users

Less than 100

Computer with a dual core processor and 4 GB of RAM

Minimum Computer with quad processors and 4 GB of RAM
Recommended Minimum configuration plus RAID system
More than 200
Minimum Any high-performance Enterprise Server with quad processors and 4-8 GB of RAM
Recommended Minimum configuration plus RAID system

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Unicode character sets

While StarTeam Server supports data in all languages that can be encoded in UTF-8, it only uses ASCII characters (0-127) as it expands keywords. Keyword expansion and EOL conversion should work for all “ASCII-based” encodings, which include UTF-8, Cp1252, and so on. For the various UTF-16 encodings, StarTeam Server currently performs EOL conversion, but does not expand keywords.

The internal names of custom fields must be ASCII, but the display names can be in non-English character sets.

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